Kolloquien und Konferenzen


The aim of the conference is to present and share both theoretical and practical reflections on the concept of togetherness both from a Danish and an international point of view. How can togetherness be understood and how does it work? Central to the conference are discussions of the value of togetherness as a potential source of motivation. 

Togetherness as motivation - a 21st century skill? (conference program)
Adobe Acrobat Document 203.8 KB
Togetherness - some introductory notes
Sune Jon Hansen.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 363.1 KB
OECD pespective on challenges and opportunities of education today and tomorrow
Yuri Belfali.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 259.9 KB
The culture of learning, changes in young people's mentality and the individual's own world
Thomas Ziehe.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 291.4 KB
Teacher-pupil relations: their significance for motivation
Carolyn Jackson.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 472.9 KB
Motivation, learning and togetherness
Noemi Katznelson.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 487.6 KB
Togetherness and the dual school system
Ove Korsgaard.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 371.0 KB
Democracy and togetherness. Between politics and education.
Jonas Lieberkind.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 528.3 KB
Creating togetherness - moving towards a 'we-paradigm' in creativity research and practice
Lene Tanggaard.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 129.9 KB

Creative approaches to curriculum

effe seminar, May 2016


Key themes of the effe symposium in Edinburgh in 2015 about "Improving Social Equity through Education" had recognized that there is a need to creat inclusive and supportive environments for learning, that teachers must be respected and valued, that the organization of schools is crucial and that reform is a slow and complex process. 


The effe seminar in May 2016 was organized to follow up on some these key themes. Education leaders from across Scotland and from Wales, England, Denmark and Germany met in Edinburgh to explore creative approaches to organizing the curriculum in order to best meet the needs of children and young people in our fast-changing and uncertain world. 

Creative Approaches to Curriculum. How can children and young people be prepared for life in our uncertain world?
EFFE Seminar - Creative Approaches to Cu
Adobe Acrobat Document 429.0 KB

Improving social equity through education

effe symposium May 2015


What is the role of education in creating a fairer society? This was the key question at the 35th international conference of the European Forum for Freedom in Education (effe) which took place in Edinburgh on May 2015. 


Social equity is a challenge for governments and education systems the world over. With many societies, including Britain, becoming more rather than less divided. effe's commitment to children's rights and the pursuit of social injustice underpins its concern with this critical theme.

Improving Social Equity through Education. Symposium May 2015.
EFFE symposium - Improving Social Equity
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB


Innovative and Human Education in Free Schools


in cooperation with effe Austria, Salzburg, April 2013

Rudolf Steiner Schule, Salzburg


Veranstaltungsübersicht Bildungssymposium 0413 (German only)
Bildungssymposium Salzburg 0413.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 101.1 KB


Berlin, Germany, November 2012

Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum


Memorandum Berlin - English
Memorandum Berlin en 0113.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 41.9 KB




in cooperation with effe Austria, Vieanna, April 2011

Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus (WUK), Vienna


For more than three decades, the educational landscape of Austria has been marked by alternative, pedagogical initiatives. Independent schools and children’s groups have led the way in showing pioneering new approaches: self-determined, democratic and socially competent.


Programm Bildungsfrühling 0411 (German only)
Bildungsfrühling 2011.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 321.3 KB


Sustainability and Responsibility in Education and Health Promotion


Witten, Germany, November 2009

University Witten/Herdecke



There are multiple connections between education and health. But why is this? How can we understand health; how can we understand education?


A person is healthy when he/she is in tune with him or herself, mind, body and soul. Understood in these terms, health is something that can be learned. Through education and the development of self-awareness, good health can be re-established. This means that we have to disband the common assumption that illness and disease are simply a result of destiny or a punishment for poor lifestyle. We can recognise that to be cured is not only about the reparation of health but is also the restoration and strengthening of one’s inner and outer balance.


Someone is seen as enlightened if he or she is in a process of self-development. This includes an individual need to be in dialogue with the society of which we are a part. We should be willing to learn from mistakes in the past and to manage our lives by directing our own thoughts, feelings and will. Education must therefore be concerned with fostering the understanding and self awareness that will lead to good health.


Education and health – how are they connected and how do they complement one another? How do ‘artists of curing’ and ‘artists of education’ learn from each other? Lots of questions – reason enough for an international colloquium with a distinguished cast!


Press release Witten - English
PR Colloquium Witten en 1110.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 114.4 KB
Minister of Education Löhrmann welcomes the participants
Minister of Education Löhrmann welcomes the participants

Creativity Genesis

Wie kommt Kreativität und Innovation in die Bildung?


Witten, Germany, June 2009

Institut für Waldorf-Pädagogik


Was ist Kreativität, wie entsteht sie, warum und für wen ist sie wichtig? Während dieser Tagung hat man sich gemeinsam - Studenten, Lehrer, Dozenten, Politiker und Wissenschaftler – auf die Suche gemacht nach den eigenen kreativen Kräften. Gleichzeitig hat man aber auch Ansätze erarbeitet, wie diese im Unterricht, in den Schulen oder in Lernorganisationen umgesetzt werden können.


From Early Childhood Curiosity to Early School Leaving

Allen jungen Menschen eine Zukunft geben

Brüssel, Belgien, 2008


Das Kolloquium „Von frühkindlicher Neugierde bis zur Schulverweigerung“ greift eins der fünf Zielvorgaben des EU Arbeitsprogramms „Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung 2010“ auf, das Problem der Schulabbrecher. Jeder sechste Jugendliche in den 27 Mitgliedsländern der Europäischen Union verlässt die Schule vorzeitig mit nur einem Abschluss der Sekundarstufe I und führt keinen weiteren Bildungs- oder Ausbildungsverlauf durch.

Diese Statistik zeigt, dass diese Jugendlichen scheinbar das Interesse am Lernen oder zumindest am formalen Lernen verloren haben. Dabei ist aber bekannt, dass Kinder geborene Lerner sind und begierig darauf, neue Dinge zu entdecken. Es liegt deshalb nahe, daraus zu schließen, dass zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt während der Schulkarriere bei Kindern und Jugendlichen diese Neugier gehemmt wird und damit auch die Lust auf und an Lernen innerhalb der traditionellen Schulstruktur und Fachgebiete.


Das effe-Kolloquium konzentrierte sich auf die Frage, wie Schulen organisiert sein müssten, um Schülern – unabhängig von familiären oder sozialen Hintergründen – die besten Möglichkeiten zu geben, ihr natürliches Interesse am Lernen zu erhalten. Das Kolloquium folgte dabei dem Ablauf der Schulzeit und reflektierte folgende Fragen:

  • An welchem Punkt hören Kinder auf, begierig zu lernen, und warum?
  • Wie kann Neugierde gestärkt und die Kinder ermutigt werden, lebenslange Lerner zu werden?
  • Sind Lehrer und Schulen auf die Förderung dieser natürlicher Neugierde optimal vorbereitet und haben sie optimale Möglichkeiten?
  • Welche Änderungen der Schulsysteme, der Schulkonzepte sind gegebenenfalls notwendig?


Das Kolloquium endete mit einem anschließenden - nur für das effe angesetzten Hearing im Parlament. Anwesend waren Katerina Batzeli, Vorsitzende CULT-Ausschuss, EP; Ján Figel´, Europäischer Kommissar für Bildung und Debatte; Mirko Zorman, EURatspräsidentschaft.

Es erfolgte ein Bericht über die Tagung und die Weitergabe einer, auf

dem Kolloquium, erarbeiteten Empfehlung. Außerdem konnte unser SMS-Projekt mit Schülern und Schülerinnen aus acht Ländern vorgestellt werden. Fragen und Vorstellungen wurden ausgetauscht.

Aufgrund dieser Arbeit und der Wiederaufnahme des Schülerprojektes und der Fragestellung der EU 2009, ist die Nutzung des EU-Jahres 2009 für die 33. Internationale Tagung des effe möglich.

The Teacher in the Age of Globalistation

Ollerup, Denmark, 2007


Better teaching and learning are critical for the EU's long-term competitiveness, since a highly educated workforce is a more efficient workforce," says Ján Figel, European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth. Quite apart from this economic oriented premise the age of plobalisation indeed provides a real challenge to all of us concerning a futore oriented teachers' training.


The Colloquium will have three main concerns.

In the first part we want to investigate the question of how far globalisation has consequences for the school and teacher education. To discuss this we have been able to attract the services of Prof Ove Korsgaard of the Danish Pedagogical University and of the former Danish Minster of Economy, Marianne Jelved.

• In the second part people engaged in teacher training will outline their teaching methods so that we can meaningfully discuss how far and by what means they try to deal with the challenges of the future and incorporate them into their training programme.

In the third section, parents will set out what they expect of the school and student teachers their expectations for their later work as teachers. As usual we shall discuss all these questions in groups and report accordingly. 

Invitation, Program and Information on Working Groups
Programm 2007 engl..pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 116.7 KB

Diversity in the Estonian Education System

Talinn, Estonia, 2007


Teacher Training

Eine Herausforderung für Europa und für den Einzelnen!

Gymnasium Schloss Hagerhof, Bad Honef, Deutschland, 2006


Die Schule der Zukunft – wie wird sie aussehen? Wird sie und werden auch die Pädagogen der Anforderung gerecht, die Schülerinnen und Schüler zu befähigen, ihr berufliches und privates Leben selbst zu gestalten? Wird sie nur die Leistungsgesellschaft abbilden und trainieren mit dem Ziel, die „Verbesserung des Humanpotenzials“ zu erreichen oder wird sie auch den Jugendlichen den Freiraum bieten, der es ihnen erlaubt, die Schlüsselqualifikationen zu erwerben, die sie für ihre unsichere Zukunft brauchen? Wie und wo erhalten die Lehrkräfte die dazu notwendigen Qualifikationen?


Das effe hat sich erstmals 1997 beim Kolloquium in St.-Petersburg mit dem Thema Lehrerbildung beschäftigt: „Der Lehrer des 21. Jahrhunderts“ lautete damals der Titel. Im Herbst 2006 in Bad Honnef gilt es, u.a. folgende Fragestellungen zu verfolgen:

• Wie sieht die Schule der Zukunft aus, und welche Anforderungen ergeben sich aus diesem Zukunftsbild für die Qualifikation der Lehrerin und des Lehrers?

• Welchen Stellenwert und welche Relevanz haben die im Arbeitspapier der Europäischen Kommission aufgeführten vier Qualifikationsanforderungen: Hochschulabschluss; Bereitschaft zum lebenslangen Lernen; Mobilität und Vernetzung mit Wissensgesellschaft und Wirtschaft?

• Wie kann die Lehrerin und kann der Lehrer so ausgebildet werden, dass sie bzw. er zu einer subjektorientierten Erziehung befähigt werden?

• Wie sieht eine Lehrerbildung der Zukunft aus, die der einzelnen Lehrerin und dem einzelnen Lehrer die notwendige Kohärenz und Authentizität für ihren/seinen Beruf verleiht?


Education in Finland - the best in Europe?

Helsinki, Finland, 2006


Teaching for and through Democracy

Teaching for and through Democracy

New School - a road towards Modern European Society

Brijuni, Croatia, 2005


The goals of the two-day conference were as follows:

• Raising awareness about the importance of continuing renewal of methods and contents of educational process across all levels.

• Opening of communication channels in the field of education between the EU countries and transitional countries.

• Analysis of aspects related to education in the context of the transitional countries’ EU accession negotiations.

• Exchange of experiences concerning achievements of the EU countries related to the workshop topics, and encouraging Croatian experts to strive for modernisation of the current educational system in the Republic of Croatia.

• Raising awareness about the importance of adjustment of Croatian educational system to European standards.


Democracy in School Culture

Oberhambach/Heppenheim, Germany, 2004


Education as a Public Service in Modern (Civil) Society

Bochum, Germany, 2003


Perspectives of Educational Freedom in an Integrating Europe

Pardubice, Czech Republic, 2003


Freedom and Leadership in the School

Leipzig, Germany, 2002


Freedom and Plurality in Modern Education

Ilieni/Brasow, Romania, 2002


The Rights and Duties of Parents in the School

Bochum, Germany,  2001


Education in Modern Civic Society

Tallinn, Estonia, 2001


Learning From One Another

Leipzig, Germany, 2000


Freedom in Education - Vision and Education

Vejen, Denmark, 2000


School Quality and Evaluation

Bochum, Germany, 1999


In the Spirit of Freedom - School in the 21st Century

Berlin, Germany, 1999


Where is education heading in the countries of Europe?

New challenges for effe

Bochum, Germany 1998


Intercultural and Interfaith Education

Zeist, The Netherlands, 1998


The Value of Education

Bochum, Germany, 1997


The Teacher of the 21st Century

St. Petersburg, Russia, 1997


The Colloquium „From Early Childhood Curiosity to Early School Leaving“ sought to address one of the five benchmarks of the EU “Education and Training 2010” work More and more people are convinced, that modem societies in the 21 st century will become "Leaming Societies". In this development the teachers have a very important key role. What and how they teach has long-range consequences for peace in and between states, for the realisation of human rights and for social, cultural and economic development. How many questions this raises, you can see in the wide programme of international co-operation, which has been planned. 

Materials for Discussion
1997 engl.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 391.8 KB

Towards a Learning Society

Perspectives and Challenges

Bochum, Germany, 1996


Why this topic? The experiment to create an egalitarian, socialist society ended in political oppression and poverty. Capitalism has developed into a "risk society" in which destructive forccs in relation both to nature and man are drastically on the increase. Perhaps the time is right for a model of the social future which restores meaning and sense of community. A Leaming Socicty shaped by the values inherent in an education system founded upon freedom could constitute such a model of the future. The highest of these values would be a principle intellectual and spiritual diversity, encompassing the development of the life of reason and that of feeling, and the development of socially conducive capacities, such as independence ofmind, initiative and responsibility.


Such a society would not mean simply a cult of the individual. This model of the future could inspire politics, culture and economic life with new idcas. For the emergence of such a Leaming Society certain conditions would need to be fulfilled freedom for educational establishments to develop how they wish, genuine equality of opportunity, divcrsity and educational investment with no strings attached.  


Pluralism, World Citizenship, Freedom and Autonomy

Vienna, Austria, 1996


The traditional notions of education - are they not too narrow? For too long a time inadequate? What are the prerequisites for preparing young people to meet the challenges of a new Europe? The objectives of the 1996 Conference were:

  • to mark a new path to maturity and responsibility
  • to insist on pluralism in education and to guarantee its existence
  • to prepare the conditions and clarify the terms of reference by which young people may learn to master their own lives.

The main themes dealt with by the various working groups included the modernisation of teacher training, financing educaiton systems, minorities, school autonomy, young people/parents as partners and integration of disabled and young people.


New Educational Environments

Rights, Responsibilities and Initiatives

Oxford, Great Britain, 1995


As with previous colloquia of the European Forum for Freedom in Education (effe), the purpose of this meeting in Oxford was to examine some fundamental issues of education. In the Colloquium in Berne in May 1994 the central question was how to find the right balance between schools and the state. At Oxford it was "How can we bring about a healthy diversity in education?"


Both questions depend on what we think education is for. It is not only about jobs and vocational training. It should surely be concerned first of all with the development of individual talents and capacities and the fulfilment of personal goals in a complex changing society. Supporters of this Forum believe that schools should educate responsible, free-thinking and creative individuals who will shape the society of the future through their active participation in it.


The Oxford Colloquium brought together experts, parents, teachers and administrators from across Europe who have a genuine concern for the future of education. We also involved a group of young people as it is important to listen to their concerns. The Colloquium sought to provide the opportunity to hear about positive changes taking place in Europe and the USA and to discuss their implications.



Witten-Annen, Germany, 1994


Schools and State - A Question of Balance?

Paths to Autonomy in Education

Bern, Switzerland, 1994


There are two distinct ways of looking at the relation between school and state. One extreme would be to see as little of state influence or interference as possible in the entire area of culture and education i.e. complete autonomy in education. The other extreme would be to entrust the state with all the measures designed to ensure democratic equality in education and to protect the public from arbitrary handling of this sensitive area and from possible onesidedness in the approach to the matter of bringing up the new generation. Can meeting points be found between these opposite ways of looking at such important questions? Are they mutually exclusive? Are there any negotiable areas somewhere in between? Is there not areal need for authorities to make rules and regulations for the way children are brought up? Should teaching methods and ways of education be subjected to anything but the interest anq the expressed will of the community? The uncharted, area between freedom on the one hand and administration, school inspection, and official regulations on the other is full of pitfalls.


The Colloquium in Berne was designed to deal with these questions and to facilitate an exchange of experiences, of new insights and contacts between experts on theory and practice in the field of education in Europe and in Switzerland.


Kolloquium IX

Witten-Annen, Germany, 1993


Educational Freedom

A Doorway to Peace

Prague, Czeck Republic, 1993


The 8th colloquium in Prague was with its 215 participants the largest event so far for effe. 30 countries were represented and thus a rich variety of cultural exchange and personal contact was made possible. The public responded with genuine interest towards the programme. The Charles-University's invitation to a press conference was accepted by representatives of the major Czech papers which in turn reported favourably. Journalists from other countries (Germany, Switzerland, Slovak Republic) took part as weIl, and interviewed members of the effe during the course of the conference.

Program and Information on Working Groups
Kolloquium 1993 engl..pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.1 MB

Educational Freedom and the State VII

Witten-Annen, Germany, 1992


Educational Freedom and the State VI

For Diversity in Education

Poljce, Slowenia, 1992


The situation in Slovenia has changed completely. And therefore the host-country has made considerable efforts to bring the theme of freedom in education into the mainstream discussion in Slovenia. This and associated matters are the main concern of the Forum.


The 'round-table' discussions on the theme 'Education for free Individuality' in the Ljubljana Congress centre offered a !lrge audience the opponunity to enter into discussion with the various representatives. In the course of this discussion, we wished to focus on the following questions:

  • How can equal opponunity and diversity be simultaneously guaranteed in the school system?
  • How can school achievements be assessed: a general standard achievement control, or fostering of individuality?

  • What impulse does teacher training require?

    One of the outcomes of the last colloquium in Witten was that the success of the work of independant schools effects teacher training. This also applies in state schools. Therefore, we decided that the morning assembly should focus on the theme of teacher training. The theme of 'Minority Difficulties' was addressed in a specialised working period on Saturday afternoon.



Educational Freedom and the State V

Work Aims - Progressive Ways

Witten-Annen, Germany, 1991


Through the various working groups - school constitution, self-management, national reports, free teacher training, Memorandum and Declaration - the Forum has already appropriated a range of special task-related positions. The following overall aims and directions underlie the various single tasks:

  • The fostering of personal contact and working relations, as the strength of the Forum is based on the committment of each individual.
  • Scientific work in different fields as the basis of all outer effectiveness.

  • The unfolding of a cultural-political effectiveness.


Educational Freedom and the State IV

Helsinki, Finland, 1991


Educational Freedom and the State III

Witten/Ruhr, Germany, 1990


Educational Freedom and the State II

Freedom of Individuality and Cultural Traditions

Velence, Hungary, 1990


Topics for the working groups included 'Putting together our constitutional model of the school', 'Spiritual orlgins of freedom', 'Teacher training as a key problem of a school system based on freedom' and 'Freedom in action: the structuring and administerlng of schools which already enjoy autonomy'.


Educational Freedom and the State

The Independent School and the State: The Need for Free Schools and the Pre-requisites for their Existence

Witten-Annen, Germany, 1989

Kolloquium 1989 dt. und engl..pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 239.7 KB