"Each child has a unique learning process, and the processes change during childhood. It is extremely important for parents, teachers and children to follow their learning processes closely. They may cooperate by sharing their experiences and discovering appropriate methods throughout childhood, the teenage years and young adulthood." (Excerpt from the statement paper "The Right to Learn" by Ted Warren).
What do you think about digital learning? Do you believe that children and young people will benefit from digital learning? How will the digitalization of classrooms change learning processes and in which way does digital learning integrate with the development and needs of children and young people?
Who is developing pedagogical concepts for digital learning tools and environments and what is the motivation behind that? What is the role of the teacher in the digital classroom?
The statement paper of Ted Warren explores some of these questions. He urges parents and teachers to take responsibility for the learning processes of children and young people rather than to leave it to "the wizards of digital education" who promise they have machines with software that understands children and young people and can offer to them individual learning processes.
There is much more to the human being than what can be measured in standardized tests. Feelings, memory, imitation, sensory experiences and self-produced imagination are all extremely important. They are sources of a healthy development of the brain. Ted Warren concludes, that (fortunately) in education, nobody has the right answer.
Ted Warren is a businessman, an educator and an author. He is an expert in human resources (strategic alignment, project management and people development) and specializes in teenage personality development. He is working with teenagers at the Rudolf Steiner School in Oslo (Norway).
European Forum for Freedom in Education
Europäisches Forum für Freiheit im Bildungswesen
Le Forum Européen pour la Liberté dans l´Education
Dieburger Straße 78
D-64287 Darmstadt